In the United States, anyone can certify a translation. A translator does not need to be certified in order to provide a certified translation. The individual translator can certify their translations, 翻译公司的员工也可以.
A translator may also certify someone else's translation—as long as the translator has fully reviewed the translation for accuracy and completeness and the translation will not be changed after being certified. That is why translation companies can certify translations provided by their employees or freelance translators.
The certification statement must specify whether the signer has translated or reviewed the translation.
注意: Although there is no rule expressly prohibiting certifying a translation for yourself or family members, 这通常是不受欢迎的. Such translations risk being rejected by the end user.
A certification statement should include the following information at a minimum.
- 翻译人员的资格说明.
- A statement affirming the completeness and accuracy of the document.
- Identification of the translated document and language.
- 翻译人员的姓名、签名和日期.
ATA provides a sample certification in both a short and 长形式. The 简式 is suitable for translations that do not require notarization. The 长形式 is intended for certifications requiring notarization, but can also be used where additional information is required and the 简式 is too general.
The certification statements should be modified as needed to meet specific end-user requirements and can be downloaded from the ATA website. (下载 简式 或者是 长形式.)
注意: It is best to ask the client if there are special requirements. 例如, some end users will take issue if the translator and client share the same last name, require certification statements to appear on the translator's letterhead or use specific wording, or refuse signatures in anything other than blue and black ink. You should inform your clients that it is their responsibility to know the end user's requirements.
What is the difference between a certified translation and a notarized translation?
Some end users of certified translations may request or require that "the translation be notarized." This is actually a misnomer as the translation cannot be notarized.
公证人只在法律上承认, 或确认, the identity of the individual signing the certification statement. 虽然术语是不准确的, it is helpful to know that this is commonly used by end users and clients.
注意: Do not sign the certification statement until you are in the presence of the notary since the notary must witness your signature.
What are the common uses of a certified translation? 一般有哪些翻译永利登录网址?
Clients may need certified translations for many reasons. 与政府实体的程序(例如.g. 申请签证, 获得驾驶执照, claiming public benefits) often require certified translations.
同样,民事诉讼程序(如:民事诉讼程序).g. adoption, divorce) and criminal, may demand certified translations.
Educational institutions also require foreign candidates to submit certified translations of application documents (e.g. 毕业证书、成绩单.)
Developed f或者是 exclusive use of ATA-certified translators, this seal allows clients and employers to quickly recognize these credentials when added to résumés, 名片, 以及准确性声明的永利登录网址.
In addition to an ATA-certified translator’s name and language combination, the seal includes instructions for verifying their certification status online. 确认现在
注意: Some government entities that usually ask for notarized translations may accept certified translations bearing the ATA-certified translator seal without notarization.
Issued by the Business Practices Education Committee (December 2018).
你不能不这么做. Poor translation and interpreting services can be disastrous for your business. 看看有什么危险.
There are times when machine translation is useful, and times when it's not. Learn when to use Google Translate, and when to hire a professional.
ATA provides guidance for standard terms, conditions, and clauses. Adaptable samples of agreements and contracts are available.
Our outreach publication provides up-to-date information and resources about the translating and interpreting industry.
Download our free mini guides that help you navigate the process of hiring and working with a language professional. 它们有多种语言版本.